Mgr. art. Valeria Schulczová, ArtD.
Valeria Schulczová received her master’s diploma in theatre direction and dramaturgy from the Academy of Performing Arts in 1999 and completed her doctoral study in theatre art in 2009. As a dramaturg, she participated in several projects produced in Slovakia and the Czech Republic (Ludus Theatre in Bratislava, HaTheatre in Brno, Petr Bezruč Theatre in Ostrava, Rokoko Theatre and Studio Rubín in Prague). At present, she is working as a theatre director, writer of theatre texts together with Roman Olekšák, translator of plays from English, and author of scripts for several Slovak and Czech television projects. She worked as a director with quite a few theatres (the Drama Department of the Slovak National Theatre, the Slovak Chamber Theatre in Martin, the State Theatre Košice, the Municipal Theatre of Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav in Bratislava, Theatre on the Balustrade and Řeznická Theatre in Prague).