Current Situation


Dear students,

we have made it! We can come back on Monday and resume the face-to-face education!

We still have to wait for the details but it looks promising. It will be an option for all universities, not only for BISLA.

Here are logistics for our May 2021 classes:


1) As we wrote to you, it is important to have an antigen test before you come to BISLA on Monday! (Until we write to you otherwise, this should be the case for every Monday during May.) There are several hygiene dispensers around the campus so please use them when entering the buildings.


2) Those that need help with accommodation, please contact Nika Baksova We have several options. An apartment and Student House


3) The interior of the school will be again divided until we see it safe to end that division. The first-year students are most numerous and spend most time at BISLA and hence will have the dining hall and Spitzer. You will receive where to spend time in the interior from Barbora


4) The Garden and two gazebos (Altanok) will serve both as classrooms. There will be tea and coffee available in the exterior Gazebos.


The first-year students:

It will be only face to face (prezencne) education. Garden and/or Johnson Auditorium


Second Year students: Hybrid/online -- Rorty Room


Third year: Hybrid/online: 3rd Floor Language Lab


We are all looking forward to meeting you all!



Samuel Abraham




Milí študenti, 

Výučba od budúceho týždňa prebehne nasledovne : 

Prvý ročník: Kurz Platóna sa posúva o týždeň - začiatok : 10.05 2021-11.06.2021

V pondelok 3.05 o 14:40 sa prosím všetci účastníci pripojte na úvodné stretnutie tohto kurzu na tomto linku :, kde sa s Vami stretnú vaši profesori Abrahám a Simmons. 

Druhý ročník : Kurzy s pánom Hudcovským a Vašečkom prebiehajú od 3.05 online -až do odvolania.

Tretí ročník : Pokračuje vo výučbe online. 

Ďakujeme za pochopenie a prajeme Vám pekný víkend. 

s pozdravom 

Dear students,

Classes from next week will take place as follows:

First-year: Plato's course is postponed by a week - beginning: 10.05 2021-11.06.2021

On Monday, May 3, 2021, at 14:40, please join all participants for the introductory meeting of this course on this link: , where your professors Abraham and Simmons will meet with you.

Second-year: Courses with Mr. Hudcovský and Vašečka take place from May 3, online (until further notice).

Third-year: Continues online teaching.

Thank you for your understanding .