Skills for Life


Argumentation - Since BISLA teachers try to encourage their students to express their opinions during classes, you will improve your argumentation skills while trying to understand the opposite side of the argument.

Writing skills - Huge part of the BISLA education is writing essays. It is not always easy to put your thoughts on paper and still have persuasive arguments. However, your teachers and writing tutors will help you out, don’t worry.

Critical thinking - In this modern era of social media and information overdose it is necessary to be a good critical thinker. We work with a big variety of sources during our studies. We analyse its relevance, trustworthiness, and then try to understand the text.

Team work - During our studies we are often divided into groups to work on assignments. It improves our ability to communicate, overcome different problems, and we can find out what are the strengths and weaknesses of all the individual group members.

Analytical skills - During courses you will often start with a huge topic and slowly start deconstructing it into smaller pieces. Then you will focus on a very close analysis of the smaller parts, so that you are ready to draw some conclusions afterwards.

Presentation skills - At BISLA you will also learn how to present yourself and the topic you are dealing with. If you’d like, quite often after the presentation, teachers will be happy to give you feedback either on the work itself or your public speaking skills.