Summer Schools
Interactive searchable portal of Summer and Winter Schools mostly, but not only, in Europe
Prague Summer Schools
Organized by Schola Empirica
Since 2004 we are annualy organizing Summer Schools for international students focusing on various topics. For over ten years Prague Summer Schools (PSS) bring talented students from around the world to spend an intensive academic week in the beautiful city of Prague. Selected international faculty of academics as well as practitioners turns each summer school into a working space where concrete aspects of important social, economic and political problems are tackled. Our aim is to contribute to understanding of selected current issues while fostering the international dialog.
680 EUR
Visegrad Summer School
The Villa Decius Association, Krakow, Poland
The Visegrad Summer School is a unique cultural and educational programme catering for students, graduates, young researchers and journalists from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary as well as other Central and East European countries. Given its international, macro-regional and regional dimension, the initiative is aimed at promoting a positive image of the region on an international scale alongside the promotion of the intellectual and cultural heritage of Czech, Polish, Slovak and Hungarian societies.
Every year 45 students and graduates in political sciences, economics, international relations, European studies, history, social studies, philology and cultural studies, as well as young researchers, teachers and journalists from Central and Eastern Europe are recruited in an open call for applications.
Classes are facilitated by international experts, including intellectuals, researchers, politicians, people of culture, journalists, artists as well as the representatives of administration, business and non-governmental organisations. The list of distinguished speakers to date includes Leszek Balcerowicz, Václav Burian, Martin Ehl, Csaba G. Kiss, Miroslav Kusy, András Lanczi, Adam Michnik, Milan Nič, Czesław Miłosz, Tamás Pál, Lászlό Rajk, Dariusz Rosati, Magdaléna Vašáryova and many others.
The subjects addressed in the School’s curriculum are primarily concerned with on-going issues and problems in the regions, as well as key cultural and civilian challenges facing the societies of Central and Eastern Europe today.
125 EUR
European Summer School in Prague – Challenges for Europe
Second half of July.
The European Summer School in Prague is an intensive 10 day learning programme focused on European integration. It is organized by one of the leading think-tanks in Prague, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, in co-operation with Prague College, the Charles University Faculty of Social Sciences.. This year’s European Summer School is titled “Challenged Union: Making sense of the troublemakers”. How are current challenges changing the dynamics of the European integration? Facing the consequences of the debt crisis, current migration wave and security situation in the neighbourhood, is the EU moving towards more or less Europe? Find out in Prague, at the 15th annual European Summer School!
International Association of Political Science Students IAPSS
IAPSS organizes annual summer and winter schools and regular undergraduate students conferences.
With constant expansion, the IAPSS portfolio has grown for the past years. As a result, we are able to offer our members an even broader range of congresses, conventions, in combination with summer/winter schools, and study trips. IAPSS events are designed to provide participants from political science and related disciplines with a stepping stone into the world of politics. IAPSS events offer a high quality academic programme, as well as networking opportunities with high level stakeholders and scholars.
IAPSS organises at least two academic conferences annually. The biggest conference – the IAPSS World Congress – is held in a major city in spring each year and brings together over 400 students from all over the world. Furthermore, the smaller IAPSS Autumn Convention is held in autumn.
The IAPSS Winter/Summer School is an intensive week held twice a year with 60 students from political science and related disciplines, and focuses on regional issues. The study trips lead to centres of political activities, where participants can explore institutions and stakeholders in various political settings all the world.
For all questions related to the academic programme, please contact either or . For questions related to events, please email
Summer film school Uherské Hradiště
Přijďte žít filmem zase příští rok na 44. LFŠ
Letní filmová škola Uherské Hradiště je již řadu let největším nesoutěžním filmovým festivalem v České republice. Již od roku 1964 je cílem akce rozšiřovat filmový obzor členů filmových klubů a filmových nadšenců (z nich velkou část tvoří středoškolští a vysokoškolští studenti) a seznamovat je s filmovým uměním v nových a netradičních souvislostech. Po roce 2000 zaznamenala LFŠ výrazný rozvoj – ze semináře primárně zaměřeného na členy filmových klubů se stala druhou největší filmovou akcí na území České republiky, kterou každoročně navštíví tisíce diváků (v posledních letech vždy kolem 5000 návštěvníků). Filmy jsou promítány v sálech a letních kinech rozmístěných po celém Uherském Hradišti. Festival se neomezuje pouze na filmové projekce, ale lze navštívit i bohatý doprovodný program, a to výstavy, divadelní představení a koncerty. Letní filmovou školu pořádá Asociací českých filmových klubů.
International Summer School – University of Oslo
The International Summer School (ISS) offers intensive Master’s and Bachelor’s courses each summer, from late June to late July. We welcome over 550 students from about 90 countries.
Apply by Feb 1st if applying for a stipend.
International Summer School Catalogue
Tilburg University Summer School – Serious Fun!
In July and August 2017, Tilburg University will organize the eighth Tilburg University Summer School. The Summer School offers ambitious foreign students the opportunity to take interesting and intensive high-quality courses combined with a fun-packed social program to discover the Dutch culture.
Besides first-rate interactive courses, Tilburg University Summer School includes a fun-packed social program offering students a large number of social activities, such as city trips to Amsterdam and The Hague, sport and concerts. During the social program participants have the opportunity to get to know participants from different countries and cultures. Every year, over 300 students representing more than 50 nationalities from all over the world participate.